Monthly Archives: March 2010
Adam and Missy
I met Adam and Missy through the magic of Twitter (Adam: @feedmeshow. Missy: @listenmissy). They are both avidView full post »
Meserole and Manhattan, Greenpoint
At some point, the locks are worth more than the bike. I’m also not sure what the chain lock is accomplishing&#View full post »
Sunday, March 7, 2010
That date marked the first good weather weekend of 2010 in New York. This meant that the grass of McCarren park was onceView full post »
David lives in Greenpoint. He teaches Literature and makes music. You can hear some of the songs off his new CD, “View full post »
With a passenger
Apologies for the crummy photo quality, I had to chase these guys down and all I had was the camera in my phone. ClickView full post »
Google Maps has a bike mode!
Finally! The Twitters are aflutter this morning with the news that Google Maps has added a “Bicycling” modeView full post »
This weekend!
I have a feeling a lot of BikeNYCers will be out and about this Saturday and Sunday. I definitely will be. I’mView full post »
For a more civilized commute
I finally got tired of getting splashed and put some fenders on my bike this weekend. Having done that, I figured IView full post »
Saw this Swedish beauty at Front St and Fletcher St, in the Financial District. Rusty chain, rusty seatpost, hope it&#View full post »