
Noam: Third year law student at NYU.

Location: Bed-Stuy in Brooklyn

Bike: Bianchi Eros

Noam’s bike used to belong to his dad and spent the first years of its life in the hills of Berkeley, CA. His dad passed the bike down to him, and so it was shipped to New York.

We took this photo on Noam’s block of Clifton Pl. in Bed-Stuy. The beverage wholesalers really don’t want you to park in front of their warehouse.

When we were done with the portrait, Noam realized he’d locked himself out of his apartment. His roommate was home, but not answering his phone, so we went around the corner for a beer where Noam tried again to contact him. Calls and texts went unanswered but his email got through immediately.  What did people do before smartphones?

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  • Jim - I’m going to bet the Bianchi came from the Missing Link Bike Coop, same as my wife’s.

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