On assignment for Tough Mudder Ohio (technically Tough Mudder Michigan/Ohio) today. At an old quarry! Huge turnout – something like 11,000 participants ran the 12 mile course on what turned out to be an overcast and occasionally rainy day. A couple of quick highlights.
Arctic Enema was up to its usual, florescent-colored, ice-watery tricks.
Ohioans have some swagger. This is swagger, right?
The quarry! It’s actually kind of beautiful.
The quarry also allowed for the highest Walk The Plank I’ve ever seen. I don’t love heights, and I loved this less than usual. One of these days a Mudder will push me in, I know it.
There were a couple of honey badgers.Did I mention it used to be a quarry? The parking lot was miles away at the old Ford plant.
Probably my favorite shot of the day.
I love that you can see the look in his eyes. A look that says “why the hell did I just flip over please don’t drop me ok”.
If at first you don’t succeed…
Oh yeah, it rained a bunch.
In fact, I spent a large part of the day looking like a garden gnome:
Back to the Mudders. They’re graceful!
These kids were asking for it. Literally, they stood next to a mud puddle and yelled “Dive!” every time someone ran by.
Many obliged.I loves me a good Mudder headshot.
And I will leave you with these 2 gentlemen.
Looking forward to Sunday!
The full set of photos is on Tough Mudder’s Facebook page. Lots more good stuff.
Hey…that’s me on Everest!!!